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Portraits at the Park

Did you grow up going to Jolly Mill Park? It’s a Missouri treasure!

Jolly Mill Park is a private historical park open to the public for recreation. It is not part of a state or local recreation/conservation program.

It’s a perfect spot for fall family portraits!

There’s a beautiful creek, the gray/brown mill, and other period buildings like the white schoolhouse and old red barn.

I’m offering Portrait Sessions there on October 23rd (Monday). I have openings for two Sessions in the morning (9 AM and 10 AM) and two Sessions in the afternoon (3 PM and 4 PM). Each Session will take about 45 minutes and we’ll pick angles and views that coordinate best with the color of your clothing.

The Session fee includes my creative photography time, along with my time in retouching your images for the special Calotype touch. There are no prints or files included- those are purchased separately. Please call me for a price list.

A portion of your Session fee will go to Friends of Jolly Mill Park to help continue their good work in maintaining the grounds. Aren’t they wonderful? God bless the people who think about the preserving the past so the future can learn!

Here are some images from an early September Session at Jolly Mill this year. The colors will be even more muted by October 23rd. (Call me and I can help you pick outfits for your family).

The Session fee is 275.00. If it rains, we’ll either move the Session to the following Monday (October 30th), or refund your money. Questions? Please reach out and let’s chat!